Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 1: Project Launch

Project 1 was introduced today and we will be creating an installation "experience" with fabric and light based on 3 words that were given to each participating group. As one of the five groups working on this installation, it will be interesting to see how the room develops over the course of the next few weeks. At first we found our words to be contradictory, but as the day progressed we figured out ways to work around the contradictions and incorporate other groups into our design.

Our initial design concept involved layering different shapes cut from the fabric that aligned on a central axis. From different angles, you would see the 3 words that we were given. As we began installing this idea, we noticed that it felt stagnant and flat. We wanted to create interest by implementing continuation between the layers and manipulating the flat fabric into more of a 3-dimensional object.

As we move forward, we will keep expanding our design to interact with more of the groups. Doing this will help strengthen one of our words and will create more of an experience within the room. One thing we struggled with today was being respectful of the other groups' space, but we have been instructed to start staking territory and let other groups react.

Upon reflection of the day, the development of the project has generated more interest to see what is to come. Keep checking in weekly to see our progress. As an added bonus, here is some more insight into our day: you CAN look like a superhero while hanging fabric and scrim makes great headbands.


  1. Cool initial sketches and ideas!

  2. ^ Agreed. I like that you guys are trying to find ways to make the scrim more than a one dimensional material and have it develop on three levels to give it more weight. :) Using the scrim as headgear is also interesting, I hadn't considered that haha

  3. I appreciate thoughts about what you struggled with--it is a difficult task to get this project started. Be careful of considering space in the room "territory". I would like to see more pictures that explore what you are explaining -- it is really interesting the adjustment you made from your original actions.

  4. I liked reading about your ideas and concept for your piece. I think now that we have a better understanding of you're doing, our groups can collaborate much more smoothly.
